Lets say i get around 250fps using the chromium 64 bit version when everything is running smoothly. The original version of the game doenst have this (or it might just not throw the errors in the console). or that is when the console doesnt get spammed with errors about missing textures, wrong vertex files or sprite shaders. I always use this because it comes with quite a large boost in performance in general. Many features of this addon (like sound and multiplayer) would not be possible without Retro64Mod fork of libsm64.So you can enable the chromium beta to have the 64 bit binaries. Source to the G64 auto updater module can be found here: Credits Source to the G64 installer can be found here: Source to the G64 binary module can be found here: Source to my gmod fork of libsm64 can be found here: You're now all set! Spawn Mario from the G64 tab and if you did everything right, Mario will spawn. Open the spawn menu and under Utilities > G64 > Settings, set the path to the ROM you obtained.

Alternatively, clone this repo in your GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons folder.

Note: This requires Windows and 64-bit Garry's Mod. A Garry's Mod addon that uses libsm64 to put a playable Mario in the game.